Today was also crazy. It started with a lot of orientation stuff. I got to know my roommate, Will, a lot better. He’s a film major and has done semester at sea before, so he knows a lot of stuff and has been a ton of help. At dinner, we decided to try and meet some new people so we asked to sit at a random table. It turns out that everyone we sat with was latino, and they were all fluent in Spanish and English. Each of them was from a different country and it was crazy hearing them switch back in forth between accents and languages. I counted it up and I met people from twelve different countries today, ranging from Ecuador to the Philippines. Everyone is pretty excited about going to Japan and Honolulu, and everyone is interested in meeting everyone and making plans. I decided to try and join the astronomy club at the club fair, because its awesome sitting up on the top deck and looking at the stars with almost no light pollution. Seasickness is a real issue that is really messing with the other kids, but I am having no problems. From my room, I can look out and see the ocean at all times, and it puts me right to sleep.